Fast donations with QR codes and goDonate

goDonate by WPNC
2 min readFeb 8, 2021
Example working QR code for RBL

There is no doubt that the Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lives for ever but often times of crisis can drive changes that are positive, especially in technology. One such change is the rise of the QR code which can now be used as a key tool for fundraisers.

QR codes have rapidly become mainstream, becoming the cornerstone of the country’s (and indeed many other countries around the world) test, track and trace system as well as being used in hospitality, advertising and crucially for charities, in fundraising.

As QR codes can contain specific data (such as amounts or tracking codes) without the user needing to type in a specific URL or download an app to scan the code (as the functionality is now built into smartphone cameras) they can be used to direct users to customised experiences.

One such example is using QR codes on your direct mail packs that link to a donation funnel with different amount prompts — this can be A/B tested to see which amounts work best for possible donors converting to make a donation. If you would like to find out more about our direct mail offering, please see here.

Now, our cutting-edge donation platform, goDonate, can be adapted to go a step beyond this to give a more streamlined user experience to donors.

For example, for this year’s Poppy Appeal, the Royal British Legion added QR codes to collection tins in supermarkets and shops across the country to avoid the need for donors to handle cash. The codes contained location tracking data and linked to a streamlined version of our goDonate donation funnel with digital wallets such as PayPal and Apple Pay enabled, with the aim of emulating the speed of putting money in a collection tin. The funnel gained thousands of donations that otherwise would have been missed and most importantly gained opted-in supporters. You can read more about 2020’s Poppy Appeal.

Some options available with the streamlined version of the funnel include:

· Moving contact preferences and/or gift aid capture to the thank you page to

· Hiding of additional information gathered such as in-memory or ‘what prompted you to donate?’ questions

· Hiding the toggle to switch between single and regular donations if you want to drive traffic directly for single or regular donations

· Reporting with a different campaign code

· Testing of different donation prompts

If you would like to find out more about how goDonate can used for QR code donations, please don’t hesitate to get in touch



goDonate by WPNC

We create innovative digital fundraising products to enable charities to maximize their fundraising through digital channels: online, mobile and voice.